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Elevate Your Personal Training Experience.

Personal Training in RIchmond Hill and Oak Ridges, Ontario

We have a variety of services to better serve clients and customers ranging from fat loss programs and personal training all the way to corporate lunch and learns.

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Are nagging injuries holding you back from enjoying life? Are you feeling pain in your day-to-day activities? Have you seen many specialists and yet nothing has been resolved? 


Muscle Systems Specialists understand your frustration. Some pains and sensations can be resolved through primary means, but some pains and sensations require a different methods. â€‹


We look at the body from a holistic viewpoint and understand that each component of the body is interconnected, interdependent and intertwined with various other components of the body. â€‹

By working directly with your muscular system, we are able to bring back your quality of movement without the use of drugs, surgery or injections. â€‹


We see exercise differently then others. Exercise with specific movements and configurations can either provide a positive stimulus or negative stimulus for your muscle and movement quality. Rather then follow a specific protocol or plan, we administer highly specific, individualized and custom tailored movements to enhance the quality of the muscular problem you're having. 


Our unique system of analysis and exercise prescription allows us to truly get to the source of your pain and discomfort, so you can get back to enjoying your life again.​



What is the process?


1. Establish contact. We will talk briefly on the phone or through email to answer any questions you may have, talk about your needs and goals and establish if we should proceed to a face-to-face consultation. 


2. Initial consultation. A direct 60 minute face-to-face meeting to discuss your fundamental objectives. We seek to gather as much information as we can about your injury, pain, injury history, health history, tightness, tension areas and discomforts. 


3. The Assessment. The Assessment can be thought of like an investigation into your body. We examine breathing mechanics, girth measurements, weight distribution, standing and lying posture along with a range of motion analysis. Along with all this we utilize a specific methodology that looks at your body's motor control quality. 


4. Report of Findings. After the Assessment you will come back in for a Report of Findings. The report summarizes whats going on in your current system in regards to range of motion, mobility, stability, motor control, posture and pain. It shows us the results and what to do moving forward. This will provide us with better decisions on how to proceed and improve your body's current state.  


5. 1:1 Sessions. These sessions are hands on and will seek to work towards your stated fundamental objectives. The practitioner will use each session to improve your body's motor control in an effort to reduce, eliminate and/or improve your pain and discomfort. 

Schedule a Consultation Today

Jonathan is an experienced and wonderful personal trainer with a holistic approach to workout. Not only he focuses on your workout program, he considers and educates you about the importance of nutrition, sleeping, stress management and specific nutrients and supplements your body needs.​ I did train with Jonathan for almost a year and have seen significant improvements in my body. I am absolutely more toned, gained more muscles and lost body fat. ​ He provided me high quality supplements based on my goals and needs. Now at age 46, I feel stronger than ever; having an athletic body, sleeping much better, eating healthier, and better able to manage my stress; better lifestyle overall :)

Thank you Jonathan for everything you did with this program. I have always considered myself a healthy person, someone who ate clean and exercised on a regular basis. Jonathan's program wasn't about correcting any past mistakes, it was about introducing small elements to your day to help you become healthier physically and mentally. It wasn't a drain on my life or on any of my time but Jonathan helped me understand certain habits and behaviours that could be introduced easily in to my daily routine. After a few weeks these habits slowly turned in to results which helped me lose 10 pounds and achieve my goal weight that of which I have not weighed in 15 years!! I highly recommend his program not only from the benefits to your health but to be coached by someone who genuinely cares about your overall well being. Thanks again Jonathan!

I have been working with Jonathan Kovacs for the past three years now. He has taught me a completely different way of living. It was simple changes that he made in my program along the way. How to eat properly, went to eat certain foods, how to eliminate cravings. During this time he has been helping me to restore strength from past injuries, as well as helping me in my journey to look younger and get into better shape. His calm demeanor, and non-judgment always allows me to feel better about myself and my challenges. I know that I can't make myself get into the gym without having my accountability to him. I recognize this in myself and appreciate him being in the gym with me. What I love most is when he makes me adjust my thumbs or my toes… I find it hilarious because I don't understand it, however, the effectiveness proves itself. ​ I think he is the best kept secret.

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